Book List
Sortable list at LibraryThing
- Acton, H. B. The Morals of Markets and Related Essays. Liberty Fund, 1993.
- Althusius, Johannes. Politica [1614]. Liberty Fund, 1995.
- Altman, Rebecca B. Using 1-2-3 for DOS Release 3.1+. Que, 1992.
- Anvil, Christopher. Interstellar Patrol. Baen Books, 2004.
- Atkinson, Lee. Using C. Que, 1990.
- Babbitt, Irving. Democracy and Leadership. Liberty Fund, [1993 corrections].
- Badaracco, Joseph. Business Ethics: Roles and Responsibilities. Irwin, 1995.
- Barkakati, Nabajyoti. The Waite Group's Microsoft C Bible. 2nd ed. SAMS, 1990.
- Bartee, Thomas C. Data Communications, Networks, and Systems. 2nd ed. SAMS, 1992.
- Bauman, James, J., et al. Using dBASE IV. Que, 1990.
- Bennett-Alexander, Dawn, and Laura Pincus Hartman. Employment Law for Business. 2nd ed. Irwin, 1997.
- Berlin, Howard M. Op-Amp Circuits and Principles. SAMS, 1991.
- Bernstein, Leopold A., and John Wild. Financial Statement Analysis: Theory, Application, and Interpretation. 6th ed. Irwin, 1997.
- Bigelow, Stephen J. Understanding Telephone Electronics. 3rd ed. SAMS, 1991.
- Boyer, Paul S. The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. Instructor's Guide. D. C. Heath, 1993.
- Bruce, Walter R. Using PC Tools Deluxe. Que, 1990.
- Burke, Edmund. Further Reflections on the Revolution in France. Liberty Fund, 1992.
- Cattanach, Robert E., et al. The Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing: From Design & Production to Labeling & Recycling. Irwin, 1995.
- Chalker, Jack L. Melchior's Fire. Baen Books, [2004].
- Chang, Chia-Cheng. Climate of China. Wiley, 1992.
- Colkins, Gary. Activity-Based Cost Management: Making It Work. Irwin, 1996.
- Corman, Joel, and Robert N. Lussier. Small Business Management: A Planning Approach. Irwin, 1996.
- Dale, Nell B., and Henry M. Walker. Abstract Data Types: Specifications, Implementations, and Applications. D. C. Heath, 1995.
- De Camp, L. Sprague. The Venom Trees of Sunga. Random House/Del Rey, 1992.
- Drake, David. Grimmer Than Hell. Baen Books, 2003.
- Ewing, David P. Using 1-2-3 Release 2.2. Que, 1989.
- Farr, Michael J. The Quick Resume and Cover Letter Book: Write and Use an Effective Resume in Only One Day. Jist Works, 1994.
- Frank, Al. Al Frank's New Prudent Speculator: The Master of Value Investing Shows You How to Pick Winning Stocks. Rev. ed. Irwin, 1996.
- General Motors/Allison. 501-KB5 Turbine Installation Manual. 1990.
- General Motors/Allison. 501-KC5 Turbine Installation Manual. 1990.
- General Motors/Allison. 501-KF Turbine Installation Manual. 1990.
- Goldin-Meadow, Susan. The Resilience of Language: What Gesture Creation in Deaf Children Can Tell Us About How All Children Learn Language. Psychology Press, 2003.
- Goodrich, Pierre F. Liberty Fund Basic Memorandum. Liberty Fund, 1992.
- Gooken, Dan, and Ray Werner. Word for Windows for Dummies. IDG Books, 1993.
- Hale, Guy A. The Leader's Edge: Mastering the Five Skills of Breakthrough Thinking. Irwin, 1996.
- Haskins, Mark E., et al. Financial Accounting and Reporting. 2nd ed. Irwin, 1997.
- Hawkins, John L. FoxPro Programmer's Reference. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Haynes, Colin. Industrial Counterfeiting. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Hergert, Douglas. Turbo Pascal 6 Programming for the PC. SAMS, 1991.
- Holtz, Herman. Marketing Without Money. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Hordeski, Michael F. Upgrading the IBM PC Family 8088 to 486. PTR Prentice Hall, 1992.
- Hunger, Jack W. Engineering the System Solution: A Practical Guide for Developing Systems. PTR Prentice Hall, 1995.
- Janosik, Steven M., et al. Supervising New Professionals in Student Affairs: A Guide for Practitioners. Brunner-Routledge, 2003.
- Karasik, Paul. Seminar Selling: The Ultimate Resource Guide for Marketing Financial Services. Irwin, 1995.
- Kasap, S. O. Principles of Electrical Engineering Materials and Design. Irwin, 1997.
- Kinoshita, Sachiko, and Stephen J. Lupker, eds. Masked Priming: The State of the Art. Psychology Press, 2003.
- Kling, Bill. Hands-On Quattro Pro. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Kottler, Jeffrey A., and Paul W. Jones, eds. Doing Better: Improving Clinical Skills and Professional Competence. Brunner-Routledge, 2003.
- Kujaca, James A. The Trillion Dollar Promise: An Inside Look at Corporate Pension Money, How It's Managed, and for Whose Benefit. Irwin, 1996.
- Lafore, Robert. The Waite Group's Microsoft C Programming for the PC. 2nd ed. Howard W. Sams, 1990.
- Larson, Ron H., Robert P. Hostetler, and Carolyn Neptune. Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Functions. D. C. Heath, 1994.
- Leach, James A. AutoCAD 2000 Instructor. WCB/McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2000.
- Lecky, William E. H. Democracy and Liberty [1896]. 2 vols. Liberty Fund, 1995.
- Lee, Geoff. Object-Oriented GUI Application Development. PTR Prentice Hall, 1993.
- Lesikar, Raymond V., John D. Pettit, and Marie E. Flately. Lesikar's Basic Business Communication. 8th ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 1999.
- Lester, David, ed. Katie's Diary: Unlocking the Mystery of a Suicide. Brunner-Routledge, 2004.
- Levine, John R., and Carol Baroudi. The Internet for Dummies. IDG Books, 1993.
- Lewis, Jill. Academic Literacy: Instructor's Resource Manual. D. C. Heath, 1996.
- Liberty Press/Liberty Classics 1991 Catalog.
- Livingston, Brian. More Windows 3.1 Secrets. IDG Books, 1993.
- Mai, Robert P. Learning Partnerships: How Leading American Companies Implement Organizational Learning. Irwin, 1996.
- Meyer, Frank S. In Defense of Freedom and Related Essays. Liberty Fund, 1996.
- Mio, Jeffrey, and Gayle Iwamasa, eds. Culturally Diverse Mental Health: The Challenge of Research and Resistance. Brunner-Routledge, 2003.
- Morley, Felix, ed. Essays on Individuality. Liberty Fund, [1993].
- Murray, Katherine. Introduction to Personal Computers. Que, 1990.
- Nelson, Robert B., and Peter Economy. Better Business Meetings. Irwin, 1994.
- Pany, Kurt, Ray Whittington, and Wai P. Lam. Auditing. 2nd ed. Irwin, 1996.
- Pasewark, William R., and Timothy J. Louwers. Real World Accounting Series: Athletronics, Inc.; Shoe Business, Inc.; Understanding Corporate Annual Reports. Irwin, 1994–1995.
- Person, Ron, and Karen Rose. Windows 3.1 Quick Start. Que, 1992.
- Pina, Larry. Macintosh Printer Secrets. Hayden Books, 1990.
- Post, Gerald V., and David L. Anderson. Management Information Systems. Irwin, 1996.
- Purdum, Jack J. Quick C Programming. SAMS, 1991.
- Ramsay, David. The History of the American Revolution [1789]. 2 vols. Liberty Fund, [1995].
- Rayburn, Letricia Gayle. Cost Accounting: Using a Cost Management Approach. 6th ed. Irwin, 1996.
- Rector, Brent. Developing Windows 3 Applications with Microsoft SDK. SAMS, 1992.
- Richardson, James E. Mastering Dollars and Sense on the Macintosh. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Robbins, Judd. Lotus 1-2-3 Step-by-Step. SAMS, 1990.
- Roberts, Ralph. UNIX Desktop Guide to EMACS. SAMS, 1992.
- Rose, Peter S., and James W. Kolari. Financial Institutions. 5th ed. Irwin, 1994.
- Ross, Stephen A., et al. Corporate Finance, First Canadian Edition. Irwin, 1995.
- Sagman, Stephen W., and Jane Graver Sandlar. Using Harvard Graphics. Que, 1990.
- Sidney, Algernon. Discourses Concerning Government [1698]. Rev. ed. Liberty Fund, 1996.
- Silverman, David J. Battling the IRS: A Taxpayer's Guide to Responding to IRS Notices and Assessments. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Sindell, Kathleen. The Handbook of Real Estate Lending. Irwin, 1996.
- Singer, Edward. Land Mobile Radio Systems. PTR Prentice Hall, 1994.
- Sonestegard, Manford A., James R. Bitter, and Peggy Pelonis. Adlerian Group Counseling and Therapy: Step-by-Step. Brunner/Routledge, 2004.
- Spiegel, Josef. Sexual Abuse of Males: The SAM Model of Theory and Practice. Brunner-Routledge, 2003.
- Stamatis, D. H. Documenting and Auditing for ISO 9000 and QS-9000: Tools for Ensuring Certification and Registration. Irwin, 1996.
- Steele, Philip. Professional Database Development Using dBASE III Plus, Clipper, and FoxBase+. Scott, Foresman, 1989.
- Sumner, William Graham. On Liberty, Society, and Politics: The Essential Essays of William Graham Sumner. Liberty Fund, 1992.
- Swartz, Ray. UNIX Applications Programming: Mastering the Shell. SAMS, 1990.
- Tedeschi, Richard G., and Lawrence G. Calhoun. Helping Bereaved Parents: A Clinician's Guide. Brunner-Routledge, 2004.
- Thompson, Arthur A., and A. J. Strickland. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 9th ed. Irwin, 1996.
- Topham, Douglas W. The First Book of UNIX. Howard W. Sams, 1990.
- Waite, Mitchell, and Stephen Prata. The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus. SAMS, 1990.
- Weil, Bill. MS-DOS 5 Quick Start. Que, 1991.
- Wendel, Charles B. The New Financiers: Profiles of the Leaders Who Are Reshaping the Financial Services Industry. Irwin, 1996.
- West, E. G. Education and the State: A Study in Political Philosophy. 3rd ed. Liberty Fund, 1994.
- Westerman, Marty. Easy Green: A Handbook of Earth-Smart Activities and Procedures for Youth Programs. American Camping Association, 1993.
- Wilson, Earl Ray, Leon Edwards Hay, and Susan C. Kattellus. Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities. 11th ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 1998.
- Wolf, Douglas J. Hands-On Paradox. Scott, Foresman, 1991.
- Wornell, Gregory. Signal Processing with Fractals: A Wavelet-Based Approach. PTR Prentice Hall, 1995.
- Zenreich, Alan, and James Kocis. Paradox 4.0 Programmer's Guide: PAL by Example. Bantam/Borland, 1993.
Sortable list at LibraryThing
| Electronic edit
Paper edit |
Alcamo, Edward I. AIDS in the Modern World. Blackwell Science, 2000. |
Aminoff, Michael, and Daroff, Robert B., eds., Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Academic Press [2003 updates, 30 articles]:
Agranoff, "Phospholipids"; Ashe, "Transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease"; Bellugi, Wang, and Korenberg, "Williams syndrome: from cognition to brain to gene"; Bodis-Wollner, "Visual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: dopaminergic neurotransmission"; Chalupa, "Visual development"; Changeux and Paas, "Acetylcholine receptor"; Goodman, "Brain spectrin"; Grab and Connor, "Restless legs syndrome"; Hill, "Asperger syndrome"; Kalia, "Vagus nerve and control of the autonomic nervous system"; Karakas and Basar, "Oscillatory responses of the brain and cognitive correlates"; Koenigsberg and Siever, "Borderline personality disorder"; Kumar and Calne, "Parkinsonian syndromes"; Matthews, Lander, and Hockfield, "Extracellular matrix of the peripheral and central nervous systems"; McIntyre, "Kindling"; Mehler and Kessler, "Stem cells and neural development"; Michaelis, "Synaptic protein interactions and synaptic transmission"; Pappas, "Vesicles, synaptic"; Reese, "Optic nerve, optic chiasm, and optic tract"; Rose, "Migraine"; Ruff, "Voltage-gated ion channels: regulation of membrane potential and membrane excitability"; Segundo, "Neural coding," "Synaptic rate effects"; Smith, "Estrous and menstrual cycle, neuroendocrine control"; Soustelle and Giangrande, "Glial cells in insects"; Steriade, "Sleep oscillations"; Strasburger and Pöppel, "Visual field"; Turner and Sparrow, "Retinal Development"; Vaina and Beardsley, "Optic flow"; Zhu and Zeisel, "Choline." |
Bebb, Deanna. Using PFS:WindowWorks 2.0. Que, 1992. |
Berg, Dale. Advanced Clinical Skills. 2nd ed. Blackwell Science, 1998. |
Bishop, Ryan, John Phillips, and Wei-Wei Yeo, eds. Postcolonial Urbanism: Southeast Asian Cities and Global Processes. Routledge, 2003. |
Bojar, Robert M. Manual of Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery. 3rd ed. Blackwell Science, 1999. |
Bragg, Stephen M., and Harry L. Brown. Design and Maintenance of Accounting Manuals: A Blueprint for Running an Effective and Efficient Department. 4th ed. Wiley, 2002. |
Carrington, Karin Lofthus, and Susan Griffin, eds. Transforming Terror: Remembering the Soul of the World. University of California Press, 2011. |
Case, Donald Owen. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. Academic Press, 2002. |
Caughey, Aaron B. Blueprints Clinical Cases in Pediatrics. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Caughey, Aaron B. Blueprints Clinical Cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Chenoweth, David H. Health Care Cost Management Strategies for Employers. 2nd ed. Brown & Benchmark, 1993. |
Chung, Edward K. Pocket Guide to ECG Diagnosis. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Chung, Edward K., and Dennis A. Tighe. Pocket Guide to Cardiovascular Diseases. Blackwell Science, 1999. |
Chung, Edward K., and Dennis A. Tighe. Pocket Guide to Stress Testing. Blackwell Science, 1997. |
Clark, M. A., ed. Youth Baseball: A Complete Handbook. Brown & Benchmark, 1993. |
Clavien, Pierre-Alain, and John Baillie, eds. Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts: Diagnosis and Treatment. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Clawson, Thomas W. et al., eds. Counselor Preparation: Programs, Faculty, Trends. 11th ed. Brunner-Routledge, 2004. |
Colwell, Mark A. Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management. University of California Press, 2010. |
Cravens, David W., Charles W. Lamb, and Victoria L. Crittenden, eds. Strategic Marketing Management Cases. 5th ed. Irwin, 1996. |
Crenshaw, Wes. Treating Families and Children in the Child Protective System: Strategies for Systemic Advocacy and Family Healing. Brunner-Routledge, 2004. |
Currie, Kelly, and Diana Moore. Using DR DOS 6.0. Que, 1992. |
D'Adamo, Peter J. The Eat Right 4 Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. Putnam Penguin/Riverhead Books, 2002. [Text only.] |
Dale, Nell B., Susan C. Lilly, and John A. McCormick. Ada Plus Data Structures. D.C. Heath, 1996. |
Daniels, Raymond B., and Richard D. Hammer. Soil Geomorphology. Wiley, 1992. |
Dégh, Linda. Legend and Belief. Indiana University Press, 2001. |
Delavigne, Kenneth T., and J. Daniel Robertson. Deming's Profound Changes: When Will the Sleeping Giant Awaken? PTR Prentice Hall, 1993. |
Ellenbogen, Kenneth A., and Mark A. Wood, eds. Cardiac Pacing and ICDs. 3rd ed. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Fabozzi, Frank J., T. Dessa Fabozzi, and Sylvan G. Feldstein. Municipal Bond Portfolio Management. Irwin, 1995. |
Falkowski, Paul G., and John A. Raven. Aquatic Photosynthesis. Blackwell Science, 1997. |
Fields, Karl B., and Peter A. Fricker, eds. Medical Problems in Athletes. Blackwell Science, 1997. |
Fishman, H. Charles. Enduring Change in Eating Disorders: Interventions with Long-term Results. Brunner-Routlege, 2004. |
Gandhi, Monica, Oliver Bacon, and Aaron B. Caughey. Blueprints Clinical Cases in Medicine. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Gennaro, Alfonso R., ed. Remington's The Science and Practice of Pharmacy. 20th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003. [Chapters 1–40.] |
Gershman, Karen, and Dennis M. McCullough. Blackwell's Primary Care Essentials: Geriatrics. 2nd ed. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Ginns, Leo C., Benedict Cosimi, and Peter J. Morris, eds. Transplantation. Blackwell Science, 1999. |
Gordon, Gary, and James L. Nuckolls. Interior Lighting for Environmental Designers. 3rd ed. Wiley, 1995. |
Gose, Earl, Richard Johnsonbaugh, and Steve Jost. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. PTR Prentice Hall, 1996. |
Griffin, Frank M., Jr. The Pocket Brain of Clinical Pathophysiology. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Grinnell, Richard M., and Yvonne A. Unrau, eds. Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. 7th ed. Oxford University Press, 2005. [Chapters 18 to end.] |
Halsey, Vicki. Brilliance by Design: Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and ENGAGE. Berrett-Koehler, 2011. |
Harris, Matthew. The Disk Compression Book: The How-To Guide to Disk Compression. Que, 1993. |
Henrich, William L. Principles and Practice of Dialysis. 2nd ed. Williams & Wilkins, 1999. |
Herring, Mary A., and Molly Manning Roberts, eds. Blackwell's Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fast Facts for Medical Practice. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Hoblyn, Jennifer, and Aaron B. Caughey. Blueprints Clinical Cases in Psychiatry. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Humphreys, R. A., ed. Latin American Revolutions, 1808–1826: Old and New World Origins. University of Oklahoma Press, 1995. [Also wrote jacket and catalog copy.] |
Khayat, David, and Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, eds. Progress in Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy. Blackwell Science, 1997. |
Killenberg, Paul G., and Pierre-Alain Clavien, eds. Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient. Blackwell Science, 1997. |
Koller, Dov. The Restless Plant. Edited by Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh. Harvard University Press, 2010. |
Koman, Aleta. Who's the Boss? How to Regain and Maintain Authority When Kids Rule the Roost. Berkley Books, 2002. |
Kovacs, Kalman, and Sylvia Asia, eds. Functional Endocrine Pathology. 2nd ed. Blackwell Science, 1998. [Chapters 18, 20, 22, 27–35, 37–40.] |
Kranowitz, Carol Stock. The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun: Activities for Kids with Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Berkley Books, 2003. |
Kraus, Barbara, and Marie Reilly-Pardo. Barbara Kraus' Calories and Carbohydrates. Signet, 2003. |
Krinitzsky, E. L., James P. Gould, and Peter H. Endinger. Fundamentals of Earthquake-Resistant Construction. Wiley, 1993. |
Kroll, Michael H. Manual of Coagulation Disorders. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Lee, Robert E., and Craig A. Everett. The Integrative Family Therapy Supervisor: A Primer. Brunner-Routledge, 2004. |
Lerch, Harold A., and Christine B. Stopka. Developmental Motor Activities for All Children: From Theory to Practice. Brown & Benchmark, 1992. |
Levy, Sidney M. Build, Operate, Transfer: Paving the Way for Tomorrow's Infrastructure. Wiley, 1996. |
Lininger, Skye W. Using Ventura Publisher 4 for Windows. Que, 1992. |
Lobo, Rogerio A., Daniel R. Mishell, and C. Alvin Paulson, eds. Textbook of Infertility, Contraception, and Reproductive Endocrinology. Blackwell Science, 1997. [Chapters 22–26.] |
Maroni, Gustavo. Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Human Traits. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Martin, Anthony J. Introduction to the Study of Dinosaurs. Blackwell Science, 2000. |
Mehler, Robert E. How the Circulatory System Works. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Meister, Alton, ed. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology. Vol. 68. Wiley, 1994. |
Miller, Neil R., and Nancy J. Newman, eds. The Essentials: Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology. Williams & Wilkins, 1999. |
Miller, Wayne C. The Biochemistry of Exercise and Metabolic Adaptation. Brown & Benchmark, 1992. |
Money, Nicholas P. Carpet Monsters and Killer Spores: A Natural History of Toxic Mold. Oxford University Press, 2004. |
Nakamura, Robert M., ed. Clinical Diagnostic Immunology: Protocols in Quality Assurance and Standardization. Blackwell Science, 1998. [Chapters 26–36, 43–48.] |
Neal, J. Matthew. Basic Endocrinology: An Interactive Approach. Blackwell Science, 2000. |
Ogden, Joseph P., Frank C. Jen, and Philip F. O'Connor. Advanced Corporate Finance: Policies and Strategies. Prentice Hall, 2003. |
Patterson, Sheron C. The Love Clinic: How to Heal Relationships in a Christian Spirit. Perigee Books, 2002. |
Perlmutter, David D. Promotion and Tenure Confidential: The People, Politics, and Philosophy of Career Advancement in Academia. Harvard University Press, 2010. |
Perry, Raymond E., ed. Accounting for Derivatives. Irwin, 1997. |
Piasecki, Melissa. Clinical Communications Handbook. Blackwell Science, 2002. |
Plumley, Sue. Look Your Best with Ami Pro. Que, 1992. |
Pollock, Friedrich, Theodor W. Adorno, and Colleagues. Group Experiment and Other Writings: The Frankfurt School on Public Opinion in Postwar Germany. Translated and edited by Andrew J. Perrin and Jeffrey K. Olick. Harvard University Press, 2010. |
Reisner, Trudi. Using PC-File. Que, 1991. |
Roberts, Glyn C., ed. Motivation in Sport and Exercise. Human Kinetics, 1992. |
Salkind, Neil. Que's Big Mac Book. 3rd ed. Que, 1992. |
Scates, Allen E. Winning Volleyball. 4th ed. Brown & Benchmark, 1993. |
Schneider, Dorothee. Crossing Borders: Migration and Citizenship in the Twentieth-Century United States. Harvard University Press, 2011. |
Schmitt, Vernon R., and Gavin D. Jenney. Fly-by-Wire: A Historical and Design Perspective. Society of Automotive Engineers, 1998. |
Sharma, Prateek, ed. Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Blackwell Science, 2001. |
Sicard, Cheri. The Great American Handbook: What You Can Do for Your Country, Today and Every Day. Berkley Books, 2002. |
Stengers, Isabelle. Thinking with Whitehead: A Free and Wild Creation of Concepts. Translated by Michael Chase. Harvard University Press, 2011. |
Teague, Michael L., Valerie L. McGhee. Health Promotion: Achieving High-Level Wellness in the Later Years. 2nd ed. Brown & Benchmark, 1993. |
Unrau, Yvonne A., and Richard M. Grinnell, eds. Evaluation in Social Work: The Art and Science of Practice. 7th ed. Oxford University Press, 2006. |
Wade, Michael G., and John A. W. Baker. Introduction to Kinesiology: The Science and Practice of Physical Activity. Brown & Benchmark, 1995. |
Walton, Gary M. Beyond Winning: The Timeless Wisdom of Great Philosopher Coaches. Leisure Press, 1992. |
Warren, Wini. Black Women Scientists in the United States. Indiana University Press, 1999. |
Watson, J. D. Using LotusWorks 3.0. Que, 1992. |
Wells, Louis T., and Rafiq Ahmed. Making Foreign Investment Safe: Property Rights and National Sovereignty. Oxford University Press, 2006. |
Wigglesworth, Jonathan S., and Don B. Singer, eds. Textbook of Fetal and Perinatal Pathology. 2nd ed. Blackwell Science, 1998. [Chapters 5, 14–19, 23, 24.] |
Wolf, John P. Foundation Vibration Analysis Using Simple Physical Models. PTR Prentice Hall, 1994. |
Wolt, Jeffrey D. Soil Solution Chemistry: Applications to Environmental Science and Agriculture. Wiley, 1994. |
Wootten, Morgan, and Dave Gilbert. Coaching Basketball Successfully. Leisure Press, 1992. |
Contemporary Surgery. Dowden Health Media |
Ophthalmology. Elsevier Science |
Fertility and Sterility. Elsevier Science |
Gastroenterology. W.B. Saunders/Science Press |
Human Immunology. Elsevier Science |
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. Elsevier Science |
Prehospital Emergency Care. Elsevier Science |
Transformative Works and Cultures. Organization for Transformative Works |
Examples of articles. | |
- GED Writing Skills. Steck-Vaughn, 1991.
- "The Burger Chef Murders," "The Coliseum Explosion," "Engine No. 587," "The House of Blue Lights," "Tony Kiritis Case," and "Silvia Likens Murder Case." In David J. Bodenhamer and Robert G. Barrows, eds., The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis. Indiana Historical Society/Indiana University Press, 1994.